Cloud Cost Optimization
Cloud Cost Optimization

FinOps Hub: The Smart Way to Manage Your Google Cloud Costs.

November 16, 2023


Cloud cost management can be a complex and challenging task, especially for large enterprises. The complexity of cloud pricing models, the need for clear spending visibility, inefficient cloud resource management, and complex metrics can all make it difficult to optimize cloud spending.

GCP FinOps Hub is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses address these challenges and capitalize on the cost savings opportunities that cloud computing offers. By providing a unified view of cloud costs and usage, actionable recommendations for cost optimization, and insights into cloud resource utilization, FinOps Hub can help businesses reduce cloud costs, improve cloud efficiency, and enhance visibility and control.

Cost Optimization Revolution: GCP's FinOpsHub Takes Center Stage

Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) FinOpsHub is revolutionizing cloud cost optimization by providing a centralized platform for managing and optimizing cloud costs. With FinOps Hub, organizations can gain clear visibility into their cloud spend, identify, and implement cost optimization opportunities, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Cost Optimization Revolution: GCP's FinOpsHub Takes Center Stage

FinOps Hub offers a wide range offeatures and benefits, including:

· Consolidated cost management: FinOps Hub consolidates cloud cost data from all major cloud providers, providing a single view of all cloud spending.

· Cost optimization recommendations: FinOps Hub provides personalized cost optimization recommendations based on historical usage data and industry best practices.

· Automated cost optimization: FinOpsHub can automatically implement cost optimization recommendations, such as right-sizing instances and deleting idle resources.

· Regulatory compliance: FinOpsHub helps organizations to comply with financial regulations by providing detailed reports on cloud spend.

GCP's FinOps Hub is a powerful tool that can help organizations to optimize their cloud costs and achieve their business goals. With FinOps Hub, organizations can take their cloud cost optimization to the next level.

ExploringGCP's FinOps Hub for Cost Management

Accessing the FinOps Hub

To access the FinOps Hub, you must have either the Billing Account Administrator or Billing Account Viewer role within the Google Cloud Console. Once you've verified your access role, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Google Cloud console and go to your Cloud Billing account.

2. In the billing navigation menu, select FinOps hub.

Exploring the FinOps Hub

The FinOps Hub provides a unified view of your cloud costs and usage, as well as actionable recommendations for cost optimization. You can use the FinOps Hub to:

1. View your cloud costs by project, service, and region.

2. Identify idle resources that can be turned off.

3. Right-size underutilized resources.

4. Apply committed use discounts.

5. Track your cost savings over time.

Cost Optimization Insights from FinOps HubDashboard

The FinOps Hub Dashboard provides insights into your cloud usage and expenditure, helping you identify areas for cost optimization.

Here are some key aspects of the dashboard:

FinOps Hub Dashboard Optimization Summary

The FinOps Hub Dashboard Optimization Summary provides a snapshot of your current cost savings, recommendations for additional savings, and your potential savings if you implement all recommendations.

Last Month’s Realized Savings: This metric shows the total savings you achieved in the past month through cost optimization initiatives, such as CUDs, right-sizing, and eliminating idle resources.

Active Recommendations: These are real-time suggestions from Google Cloud that can help you further reduce your cloud costs.

Potential Savings: This metric estimates the monthly savings you could achieve by implementing all the recommendations listed in the dashboard.

FinOps Score: A Measure of Cloud Cost Management Effectiveness

The FinOps Score is a composite score that evaluates your cloud financial management practices on Google Cloud. It is calculated based on a complex algorithm that factors in various aspects, including:

  • Monitoring spending: Consistently using Cloud Billing     tools to track your spending.
  • Optimizing resources: Regularly turning off idle     resources and resizing your instances to align with your actual usage     patterns.
  • Purchasing committed use     discounts (CUDs): Investing in Google Cloud's recommended CUDs.

A higher FinOps Score indicates that your organization is following best practices for cloud financial management.

How to Improve Your FinOps Score:

There are several things you can do to improve your FinOps Score, such as:

  • Regularly review your Cloud Billing reports to     identify and address any areas of overspending.
  • Use the FinOps Hub dashboard to identify and implement     cost optimization recommendations.
  • Enable CUDs for resources that have consistent usage     patterns.

By following these tips, you can improve your FinOps Score and reduce your cloud costs.

Peer Benchmark Score: Measuring FinOps Maturity

The FinOps Hub Dashboard's Peer Benchmark Score is a valuable tool for measuring FinOps maturity. It places your optimization performance in context with other organizations in your industry. This allows you to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Peer Benchmarking is enabled by default, but you can disable it through Identity and Access Management (IAM).

To enable/disable Peer Benchmark Score:

1.     Navigate to Identity and Access Management (IAM).

2.     Select Privacy & Security from the navigation menu.

3.     Locate your billing account in the dropdown menu.

4.     Select "Enable" or "Disable" under Peer Benchmarking.

Actionable Recommendations for Reducing Cloud Costs

The Top Recommendations widget is a key feature of the FinOps Hub Dashboard that helps you identify significant opportunities for cost savings. It highlights the top 10cost-saving recommendations, including an estimate of the monthly savings, a description of the service associated with the recommendation, and a brief explanation of what action needs to be taken.

The recommendations are sorted into four navigational tabs:

Switch Off Idle Resources: These are resources not currently in use but still incurring costs.

Right-Size Instances: This recommendation helps you adjust your instance sizes to better match your actual usage, thereby optimizing costs.

Purchase CUDs: Committing to long-term usage with Google Cloud's CUDs can offer you potential monthly savings of 50-65%.

All: This tab displays a comprehensive list of all cost-optimization recommendations from the Google Cloud Platform.

Detailed views of the recommendations are only accessible to users with a "Recommender Viewer" role.

Potential Savings by Service

The "Potential Savings by Service" feature provides a breakdown of your potential cost-saving areas by service. This graphical representation gives you a holistic view, allowing you to focus on areas that need immediate attention. For a deep dive analysis, you can select "View Details" to see all the optimization opportunities for each service.

CUD Optimization Widget

The CUD Optimization widget is a one-stop shop for tracking your Committed Use Discount (CUD) savings and performance. It calculates your CUD optimization rate based on your monthly expenditure on CUD-eligible Google Cloud products. It also includes a Peer Benchmark score to compare your CUD utilization efficiency to other organizations in your industry.

Example: If you spend $10,000 on CUD-eligible Google Cloud products and save $8,000 with CUDs, your CUD optimization rate would be 80% ($8,000 / $10,000).

Peer Benchmark for CUD Optimization: The CUD Optimization widget includes a Peer Benchmark score, which compares your CUD utilization efficiency to other organizations in your industry. This metric can help you identify areas for improvement.

FinOps Hub Cost Recommenders: -

The FinOps Hub Dashboard integrates with multiple cost recommenders from Google Cloud, each tailored to a specific product or resource type. These recommenders generate insights to help you optimize your cloud costs effectively.

Recommenders are specialized services within Google Cloud that provide recommendations and insights for optimizing resource usage. They use a variety of methods, including heuristic methods and machine learning algorithms, to generate suggestions based on real-time data and usage patterns.

For example, the VM instance rightsizing recommender uses Cloud Monitoring data from the past eight days to identify underutilized VM instances and recommend a smaller machine size to reduce costs.

How-to Apply FinOps Hub Cost Optimization Recommendations on GCP:

You can access and apply cost optimization recommendations from the FinOps Hub Dashboard in the following ways:

Increase your FinOps Score: Review the actionable steps suggested in the FinOps Score widget to improve your score and optimize costs.

Apply Top Recommendations: Click on any of the recommendations listed in the Top Recommendations widget to learn more and take action.

Use the Committed Use Discount Recommender: Find tailored suggestions for long-term commitments that can lead to significant cost reductions.

Applying these recommendation scan immediately improves your cloud cost management strategy and FinOps Score.

FinOps FAQ:

How does FinOps differ from traditional cloud management?

FinOps focuses specifically on the financial aspects of cloud cost management, providing real-time insights and actionable recommendations for cost optimization. Traditional cloud management is broader in scope, encompassing non-financial aspects such as security and performance.

Can I customize the FinOps Hub Dashboard to suit my needs?

Yes, the dashboard offers customization features that allow you to focus on the metrics and KPIs most relevant to your organization. You can add, remove, and rearrange widgets, as well as set alerts and notifications.

What is a FinOps Score and how is it calculated?

A FinOps Score is a numerical representation of your organization's fiscal efficiency on Google Cloud. It is calculated based on various factors, including:

Resource optimization: Right sizing your instances and eliminating idle resources.

Monitoring spending: Consistently tracking your spending and identifying areas of overspending.

Purchasing Committed Use Discounts (CUDs): Investing in CUDs can save you money on long-term usage.

How do I improve my FinOpsScore?

You can improve your FinOpsScore by following the recommendations provided by the FinOps Hub Dashboard. This may include right sizing your instances, purchasing CUDs, and eliminating idle resources.

What is Peer Benchmarking?

Peer Benchmarking allows you to compare your cloud financial performance against similar organizations in your industry. This provides contextual insights that can help you make better decisions about your cloud usage.


Mastering cloud cost optimization is essential for effective business management. The FinOps Hub Dashboard on Google Cloud goes beyond essential cost reduction to help you achieve operational excellence.

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