Cloud cost control

With increasing use of public cloud, IT infrastructure management has increased in complexity as organizations struggle to manage infrastructure across on-prem, hybrid cloud and public cloud instances.

This requires that you have an intelligent, multi-cloud platform that can continually optimize your cloud investments - right from assessment, to adoption, optimization, automation, security and compliance, leaving you free to focus on delivering business outcomes.

All-Ops Simplification Platform

Max-IT is the industry’s first AllOps platform that helps technology leaders like you to:

  • Automate IT operations
  • Deploy a unified platform for DevOps and Cloud Managed Services
  • Accelerate software delivery at high quality, efficiency and security
  • Deliver continuous security and testing

Future proof your cloud investments

We don't just address your current business needs - we are also focused on what's next for your business. Max-IT! ensures that your business is always future proof.


Cloud Management, Optimization & Governance

600+ APIs, 10+ AI/ML models

Continuous Security Assurance

200+ security policies

Continuous Compliance

50+ compliance controls

IT Internal Audit Automation

600+ audit checklist

Value Stream Management

250+ KPIs at Org, BU, product(app) level


20+ AI/ML models

DevSecOps Governance

500+ best practices

AllOps Orchestration

60+ enterprise tools, 600+ cloud APIs

Business benefits

Max-IT doesn’t just help you to take back control of your IT infrastructure – it helps you to optimize operations, speed up response times even while reducing errors and compliance risk, while reducing security risks. Documented benefits include:


cloud cost savings


faster response


reduction in errors


process efficiency improvement


reduction in security incidents


overall cost savings

Take control of your infrastructure

Max-IT offers your organization an indispensable advantage in terms of cost control, security, and ease of management:

AWS Infrastructure Management
Azure Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance ofyour Azure infrastructure.
  • Deployment and configuration of virtualmachines, networks, and storage.
  • Ensuring high availability, scalability, and security of your Azure environment.
AWS Application Management
Azure Application Management
  • Assistance with application deployment, monitoring, and optimization.
  • Continuous integration and delivery(CI/CD) pipeline setup.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting ofAzure-hosted applications.
AWS Database Management
Azure Database Management
  • Setup and management of Azure SQLDatabase, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Cosmos DB, and more.
  • Regular backups, disaster recoveryplanning, and security enhancements.
  • Database performance monitoring, tuning, and optimization.
AWS Governance and Controls
Azure Security and Compliance
  • Implementation ofrobust securitymeasures to safeguard yourAzure resources.
  • Compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and regulatory requirements.
  • Identity and access management and threat detection.
AWS Security and Compliance
Azure Data Management and Analytics
  • Efficient Data Storage and Retrieval: Implementing Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse to store and retrieve large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  • Data Integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Seamless integration ofdata from diverse sources, ensuring data quality and consistency.
  • Data Governance and Security: Establishing data governance policies, access controls, and encryption methods to protect yoursensitive data.
  • Advanced Analytics and Insights: Leveraging Azure services like Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics to unlock actionable insights from your data.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting: Designing data models so that you can build intuitive dashboards and reports using Azure Power BI for data visualization and informed decision-making.
AWS Codt Optimization
Azure Cost Optimization
  • Cost analysis and optimization recommendations to maximize your ROI
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective Azure services and pricing models.
AWS Infrastructure Management
AWS Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance of AWS infrastructure.
  • Deployment and configuration of Network, Storage, and Compute resources.
  • Ongoing technical support for the tickets logged through our ticketing system.
  • Ensuring High Availability, Scalability, and Security of AWS environment.
  • Patch Management process for the instances that are running in AWS.
  • Configuration and continuous monitoring of Backups.
AWS Application Management
AWS Application Management
  • Assistance with application deployment monitoring, and optimization.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline setup.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting of AWS-hosted applications.
AWS Database Management
AWS Database Management
  • Configure and Management of Amazon RDS for SQL Server, Oracle, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.
  • Backup, Disaster Recovery planning, and security enhancements.
  • Database Performance Monitoring and Optimizations.
AWS Security and Compliance
AWS Security and Compliance
  • Management and Maintenance of AWS security services to enhance cloud security posture.
  • Compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPPA) and regulatory requirements.
  • Conducting AWS Well-Architected Reviews and sharing the remediation reports.
AWS Governance and Controls
AWS Governance and Controls
  • Administration and maintenance of Control Tower environments.
  • Configuration of Governance Policy controls in cloud infrastructure.
  • Executive Summary and Cost Savings Insights Reports.
AWS Codt Optimization
AWS Cost Optimization
  • Cloud Spend Analysis and Optimization recommendations to maximize ROI.
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective AWS services pricing models.
AWS Infrastructure Management
Google Cloud Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance: Ensure continuous monitoring and health of your Google Cloud infrastructure, identifying and resolving issues proactively.
  • Deployment and configuration: Handle the setup and configuration of virtualmachines, networks, and storage on Google Cloud for efficient and optimized infrastructure.
  • High availability, scalability, and security: Implement best practices to achieve high availability, scalability, and security in your Google Cloud environment, including network security, identity management, and disaster recovery planning.
AWS Application Management
Google Cloud Application Management
  • Application deployment, monitoring, and optimization: Assist with deploying and managing applications on Google Cloud, monitoring performance, and optimizing forefficient operation.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline setup: Establish automated CI/CD pipelines on Google Cloud to streamline application development, testing, and deployment processes.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting: Perform performance tuning and troubleshooting of Google Cloud-hosted applications, ensuring optimal performance, and resolving anyissues that arise.
AWS Database Management
Google Cloud Database Management
  • Setup and management of Google Cloud databases: Handle the setup and management ofvarious Google Cloud database services, including Cloud SQL for MySQL, Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Firestore, and more.
  • Backups, disasterrecovery, and security: Ensure regularbackups, implement disaster recovery plans, and enhance the security of your Google Cloud databases.
  • Database performance monitoring and optimization: Monitor the performance of your Google Cloud databases, identify bottlenecks, and optimize queryperformance to enhance efficiency.
AWS Codt Optimization
Google Cloud Cost Optimization
  • Cost analysis and optimization: Perform cost analysis of your Google Cloud environment and provide recommendations for optimizing resource utilization to maximize ROI.
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization: Assist in right-sizing your Google Cloud resources, ensuring that you are using the most cost-effective configurations.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective Google Cloud services and pricing models: Identify cost-effective Google Cloud services and optimal pricing models based on your specific requirements.
AWS Security and Compliance
Google Cloud Data Management and Analytics
  • Efficient data storage and retrieval: Implement Google Cloud Storage, including Cloud Storage buckets and Cloud Bigtable, for storing and retrieving large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  • Data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Facilitate seamless integration of data from diverse sources, ensuring data quality and cons i s tency through ETL processes using services like Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Dataprep.
  • Data governance and security: Establish data governance policies, access controls, and encryption methods to protect sensitive data in your Google Cloud environment.
  • Advanced analytics and insights: Leverage Google Cloud services like BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow, and Cloud AI Platform to unlock actionable insights from yourdata.
  • Business intelligence and reporting: Design data models and utilize Google Data Studio for building intuitive dashboards and reports, enabling informed decision-making.
AWS Governance and Controls
Google Cloud Security and Compliance
  • Implementation of robust security measures: Ensure the implementation of strong securitymeasures to safeguard your Google Cloud resources, including network security, identity and access management, and threat detection with services like Cloud Identity-Aware Proxyand Cloud Security Command Center.
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations: Help your organization achieve compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, such as GDPR and HIPAA, by leveraging Google Cloud's compliance offerings.

Take control of your Azure infrastructure

Max-IT offers your organization an indispensable advantage in terms of cost control, security, and ease ofmanagement:

AWS Infrastructure Management
Azure Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance ofyour Azure infrastructure.
  • Deployment and configuration of virtualmachines, networks, and storage.
  • Ensuring high availability, scalability, and security of your Azure environment.
AWS Application Management
Azure Application Management
  • Assistance with application deployment, monitoring, and optimization.
  • Continuous integration and delivery(CI/CD) pipeline setup.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting ofAzure-hosted applications.
AWS Database Management
Azure Database Management
  • Setup and management of Azure SQLDatabase, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Cosmos DB, and more.
  • Regular backups, disaster recoveryplanning, and security enhancements.
  • Database performance monitoring, tuning, and optimization.
AWS Security and Compliance
Azure Data Management and Analytics
  • Efficient Data Storage and Retrieval: Implementing Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse to store and retrieve large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  • Data Integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Seamless integration ofdata from diverse sources, ensuring data quality and consistency.
  • Data Governance and Security: Establishing data governance policies, access controls, and encryption methods to protect yoursensitive data.
  • Advanced Analytics and Insights: Leveraging Azure services like Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics to unlock actionable insights from your data.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting: Designing data models so that you can build intuitive dashboards and reports using Azure Power BI for data visualization and informed decision-making.
AWS Governance and Controls
Azure Security and Compliance
  • Implementation ofrobust securitymeasures to safeguard yourAzure resources.
  • Compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and regulatory requirements.
  • Identity and access management and threat detection.
AWS Codt Optimization
Azure Cost Optimization
  • Cost analysis and optimization recommendations to maximize your ROI
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective Azure services and pricing models.

Take control of your AWS infrastructure

Max-IT offers your organization an indispensable advantage in terms of cost control, security, and ease of management:

AWS Infrastructure Management
AWS Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance of AWS infrastructure.
  • Deployment and configuration of Network, Storage, and Compute resources.
  • Ongoing technical support for the tickets logged through our ticketing system.
  • Ensuring High Availability, Scalability, and Security of AWS environment.
  • Patch Management process for the instances that are running in AWS.
  • Configuration and continuous monitoring of Backups.
AWS Application Management
AWS Application Management
  • Assistance with application deployment monitoring, and optimization.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline setup.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting of AWS-hosted applications.
AWS Database Management
AWS Database Management
  • Configure and Management of Amazon RDS for SQL Server, Oracle, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.
  • Backup, Disaster Recovery planning, and security enhancements.
  • Database Performance Monitoring and Optimizations.
AWS Security and Compliance
AWS Security and Compliance
  • Management and Maintenance of AWS security services to enhance cloud security posture.
  • Compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPPA) and regulatory requirements.
  • Conducting AWS Well-Architected Reviews and sharing the remediation reports.
AWS Governance and Controls
AWS Governance and Controls
  • Administration and maintenance of Control Tower environments.
  • Configuration of Governance Policy controls in cloud infrastructure.
  • Executive Summary and Cost Savings Insights Reports.
AWS Codt Optimization
AWS Cost Optimization
  • Cloud Spend Analysis and Optimization recommendations to maximize ROI.
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective AWS services pricing models.

Take control of your GCP infrastructure

Max-IT offers your organization an indispensable advantage in terms of cost control, security, and ease of management:

AWS Infrastructure Management
Google Cloud Infrastructure Management
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance: Ensure continuous monitoring and health of your Google Cloud infrastructure, identifying and resolving issues proactively.
  • Deployment and configuration: Handle the setup and configuration of virtualmachines, networks, and storage on Google Cloud for efficient and optimized infrastructure.
  • High availability, scalability, and security: Implement best practices to achieve high availability, scalability, and security in your Google Cloud environment, including network security, identity management, and disaster recovery planning.
AWS Application Management
Google Cloud Application Management
  • Application deployment, monitoring, and optimization: Assist with deploying and managing applications on Google Cloud, monitoring performance, and optimizing forefficient operation.
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline setup: Establish automated CI/CD pipelines on Google Cloud to streamline application development, testing, and deployment processes.
  • Performance tuning and troubleshooting: Perform performance tuning and troubleshooting of Google Cloud-hosted applications, ensuring optimal performance, and resolving anyissues that arise.
AWS Database Management
Google Cloud Database Management
  • Setup and management of Google Cloud databases: Handle the setup and management ofvarious Google Cloud database services, including Cloud SQL for MySQL, Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Firestore, and more.
  • Backups, disasterrecovery, and security: Ensure regularbackups, implement disaster recovery plans, and enhance the security of your Google Cloud databases.
  • Database performance monitoring and optimization: Monitor the performance of your Google Cloud databases, identify bottlenecks, and optimize queryperformance to enhance efficiency.
AWS Security and Compliance
Google Cloud Data Management and Analytics
  • Efficient data storage and retrieval: Implement Google Cloud Storage, including Cloud Storage buckets and Cloud Bigtable, for storing and retrieving large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  • Data integration and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Facilitate seamless integration of data from diverse sources, ensuring data quality and cons i s tency through ETL processes using services like Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Dataprep.
  • Data governance and security: Establish data governance policies, access controls, and encryption methods to protect sensitive data in your Google Cloud environment.
  • Advanced analytics and insights: Leverage Google Cloud services like BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow, and Cloud AI Platform to unlock actionable insights from yourdata.
  • Business intelligence and reporting: Design data models and utilize Google Data Studio for building intuitive dashboards and reports, enabling informed decision-making.
AWS Governance and Controls
Google Cloud Security and Compliance
  • Implementation of robust security measures: Ensure the implementation of strong securitymeasures to safeguard your Google Cloud resources, including network security, identity and access management, and threat detection with services like Cloud Identity-Aware Proxyand Cloud Security Command Center.
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations: Help your organization achieve compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, such as GDPR and HIPAA, by leveraging Google Cloud's compliance offerings.
AWS Codt Optimization
Google Cloud Cost Optimization
  • Cost analysis and optimization: Perform cost analysis of your Google Cloud environment and provide recommendations for optimizing resource utilization to maximize ROI.
  • Right-sizing and resource utilization optimization: Assist in right-sizing your Google Cloud resources, ensuring that you are using the most cost-effective configurations.
  • Recommendation of cost-effective Google Cloud services and pricing models: Identify cost-effective Google Cloud services and optimal pricing models based on your specific requirements.

Flexible pricing for every business need

Our pricing models are designed to be flexible, catering to various business needs:

Cloud computing
  • Fixed Pricing: For predictable workloads, we offer a fixed monthly or annual rate.
  • Pay-as-you-go: For fluctuating workloads, we provide a usage-based model where you pay for the resources you use.
  • Tiered Pricing: For larger enterprises with diverse needs, we offer a tiered model with different levels of service at different price points.

Contact us for a tailored pricing model suitable for your unique business needs.

Intelligent IP Solutions

The need to leverage technology as an integral part of your success has never been as strong as today.


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